At PDC, we supply machinery for shrink sleeve labeling and tamper evident banding for a wide range of products and industries. Often, unique packaging comes our way that pose particularly exciting challenges. And we always love a good challenge! In...
Packaging is the most important part of your product's presentation. Though there are a variety of options available, one of the most exciting ways to package your product is with shrink sleeves that come equipped with a variety of intriguing...
High efficiency of production lines in Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industries are now required and expected. Your company and clients are often demanding, with high expectations to make output and productivity goals. Your sleeving process should...
The designers have just created new packaging for one of your company’s products that they believe will give it more shelf pop. Or maybe they’ve come up with a new multi-packing idea that will help promote one of the brands. So now it’s time for you...
Shrink labeling is fast becoming the go-to choice in the world of consumer product decoration. Employing automated shrink labeling using the correct shrink tunnels makes the packaging process fast, easy to manage and allows for a wide range of...
In late 2016, PDC was recognized with two prestigious grants.
PDC was delighted to host Connecticut State Representative Chris Perone and Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff at separate meetings late in 2016.
PDC turned a “difficult” shrink into a (POM) wonderful solution. An irregular shape, deep recessed mid-section and small crown all pose hurdles to achieving a tight, wrinkle-free shrink. Read how we did it, including how we kept the label anchored...
The New Year means new advertising campaigns at PDC. We enlisted Fred Candiotti of CGT Marketing in Amityville, NY to help us focus our message. What is the essence of PDC’s exceptional value and unique customer experience?
Dairy and food product packaging is about to get a makeover! Introducing our new shrink bander system, the FC-200 Sanitary Design. This precision machinery is used for the application of tamper evident shrink bands to tapered and straight-wall...